Mohawk College would like to know:
1. Has your College/University adopted the use of Naloxone on campus? If so, do you use spray or injectable?
2. Is your security team responsible for administering Naloxone on campus? If so, where is it stored?
3. Is Naloxone intended to be used for the protection of your College/University community or for officer safety only?
4. Please specify what type of security is provided at your College/University.
(Third Party, Special Constable, In-House, Hybrid, etc.)
Thank you for your time
Hi Amanda,
1) Yes, Brock University has Naloxone nasal spray.
2) It is stored in the Campus Security offices at the main and Marilyn Walker School, North and South Service desks and Student Health Services.
3) It is used for the protection of the community and officer safety.
4) Hybrid service, however, only our sworn staff have been trained in administering it.
Hi Amanda,
1) Yes, we started carrying Naloxone as of November 1st. this year. We use the intra-nasal spray kind in all of our applications.
2) Our Security team is one of the teams on campus responsible for administering Naloxone. We have also provided kits and training to our Residence Life Staff (RA's, RLC's and Front Desk staff) as they are likely to get to an in-residence victim before Security arrives. Our on-campus Student Emergency Response Team (CERT) have also been trained and certified in administering the nasal spray. Our Health Centre team are also trained and certified. Our Associate Director responsible for our Health Centre is responsible for acquiring the nasal spray kits and distributing to the other teams (except our student CERT team, they get them separately because of the way their certification and medical oversight works). We keep two nasal kits (4 doses) in our primary first aid kits and each floor in Residence has a first aid kit with one nasal spray kit. Public Safety keeps an additional supply of nasal kits in a secure storage room so that we can quickly re-stock a first aid kit if one is used.
3) Used for the protection of our community.
4) Third-party Contract Security. They charge us extra for this service, which I'm not happy about and will be changing once we go out for tender.......soon!
Let me know if you need anything else.
Hi Amanda,
1. We issue spray to our special constables. Our part time students and medical first response team don't carry it.
2. Each special constable is issued their own kits and they are responsible for safe storage. Storage guidelines are covered during training.
3. It is intended for both officer safety and the community. A second officer must be on scene before we will provide a dose to a community member.
4. We have 3 tiers in our response. Special Constables, part time student security and a medical first response team. All are in house.