Burlington, ON
May 15-18, 2018
A Word From Our Hosts
Sheridan College, Mohawk College and Humber College are joining together to host the OACUSA 2018 Spring Conference, which is being held in Burlington, Ontario from May 15 - 18, 2018 at the Waterfront Hotel. This year’s conference is entitled “Ideas Worth Sharing.”
It will be an excellent opportunity for networking and learning with a variety of guest speakers and presenters.
Members of OACUSA (the Ontario Association of College and University Security Administrators) from across Ontario attend this annual conference for the opportunity to join together to share information, obtain training and more importantly, learn from one another through networking opportunities.
We look forward to welcoming you all at this year's spring conference!
Rob Kilfoyle, CPP
Director, Public Safety & Emergency Management
Catherine O'Donnell
Director, Security Services
Kathryn Cameron, PhD
Director, Campus Safety, Security and Emergency Management
Conference Information
We're looking forward to seeing you at the OACUSA 2018 Spring Conference!
Did You Know?
We have an app that was specifically designed to help you navigate and plan your day at the conference! Download the conference app by clicking here.
You can also follow us on Twitter (@OACUSAOfficial) to stay connected or use the conference hashtag (#OACUSA2018) to join the conversation!
Please note that registration is now closed.